Specialist Environmental Services
BASE Consulting Group can assist you from project start-up by gaining environmental approvals, during project construction by managing environmental aspects of construction and commissioning, through to managing end of project environmental approval conditions.
We have a wide range of industry experience including mining, government infrastructure, private infrastructure and property development and an extensive knowledge of Commonwealth, State and Local Government legislation.
BASE specialise in environmental assessment, coordination and approval advice across many sectors and government
Infrastructure Projects
BASE is experienced in planning, approval, design and construction phases of infrastructure projects across rail, gas, water, road and port projects
Environmental Management
BASE develop and implement environmental management practices on large construction and infrastructure projects and provide site presence to ensure environmental conditions are met
Environmental offsets
BASE has extensive experience in all aspects of terrestrial and aquatic environmental offsets including ecological surveys to assess impacts, offset approval conditions, strategic offset delivery options, identification of potential offset sites, establishment of offset sites and ongoing monitoring and management of offset areas

BASE is an expert in baseline ecology studies and weed mapping exercises for linear infrastructure, land development and major projects
BASE has a team of Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) specialists who efficiently manage ESC through the project lifecycle
Land Development
CHECKS & Auditing
BASE is experienced in completing due diligence checks and managing environmental audits
WE understand the issues and deliver results
We work across the entire project lifecycle to provide environmental services with practical client solutions